Python Testing Tools

Carl Meyer

This talk


Docs links on final slide. No stress; doc links will be live in online slides.

All code is Py3, but will note Py2 differences.



1 def get_level(grade):
2     if grade <= 6:
3         return 'elementary'
4     else:
5         return 'secondary'

1 import grades
3 def test_get_level():
4     assert grades.get_level(2) == 'elementary'

py.test will find and run tests in any file whose name begins with "test_". Test functions also need to have names beginning with "test".

Matching up "" with "" is not necessary, though often helpful to keep tests organized.

(These naming conventions are customizable.)

Low-boilerplate tests: plain functions, plain asserts.

1 $ pip install pytest
1 $ py.test
2 ============== test session starts ========================
3 platform linux -- Python 3.3.2 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
4 collected 1 items
6 .
8 ============== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds ===================

To run the tests, just "pip install pytest" and run "py.test" - it will automatically find and run your tests. Here it runs our one test, which passes!

Helpful failures

 1 $ py.test
 2 ================ test session starts ======================
 3 platform linux -- Python 3.3.2 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
 4 collected 1 items
 6 F
 8 ================ FAILURES ==================================
 9 ________________ test_get_level ____________________________
11     def test_get_level():
12 >       assert grades.get_level(2) == 'secondary'
13 E       assert 'elementary' == 'secondary'
14 E         - elementary
15 E         + secondary
17 AssertionError
18 ================ 1 failed in 0.02 seconds ==================

Python test runners

A brief synopsis and digression

If all these choices are overwhelming, don't worry about it. They're all fine, just pick one and run with it.

My choice is py.test, so that's what I'll be covering today.

Choosing tests to run

Flexible matching of tests to run - very important for fast edit/test cycles, especially in larger projects.

Select by mark - which raises the question...

Wait, what's a "mark"?

1 import pytest
3 @pytest.mark.slow
4 def test_something_very_slow():
5     """Can download the internet."""
6     # ...

You can use any mark names you want (valid Python identifiers) or configure a restricted set for the project in your pytest.ini file.


 1 [pytest]
 2 minversion = 2.4.2
 3 addopts = --strict --cov-report html --cov myproj
 4 norecursedirs = .* _* selenium node_modules qunit
 5 python_files = test_*.py
 6 python_classes = Test
 7 python_functions = test
 8 markers =
 9     slow: mark a test as slow
10     web: mark a test as a web test

All optional.

If you use markers, recommended to list valid markers so there's one reference point for all markers used, and typos become errors (with strict). At some point in the future pytest may require markers to be registered.


class TestPager:
    def test_num_pages(self):
        """Can calculate total number of pages."""
        assert pager(count=23, pagesize=10).num_pages == 3

    def test_item_range(self):
        """Can calculate range of items to be shown."""
        # ...

Test skipping

Not all tests can run in all environments.

1 import sys
2 import pytest
4 @pytest.mark.skipif(
5     sys.platform != 'win32', reason='Windows specific')
6 def test_updates_registry():
7     """Checks and updates registry entries."""
8     # ...

Can mark any test to be skipped under some conditions.

1 $ py.test
2 ================ test session starts ======================
3 platform linux -- Python 3.3.2 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
4 collected 4 items
6 ...s
8 ================ 3 passed, 1 skipped in 0.02 seconds ======
 1 $ py.test -rs
 2 ================ test session starts ======================
 3 platform linux -- Python 3.3.2 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
 4 collected 4 items
 6 ...s
 7 ================ short test summary info ==================
 8 SKIP [1] /.../_pytest/ Windows specific
10 ================ 3 passed, 1 skipped in 0.02 seconds ======

Skipped tests show up as an 's' instead of a '.'.

Run py.test with '-rs' to show reasons for skipped tests.

Expected failures

Sometimes we expect a test to fail, for now.

1 import sys
2 import pytest
4 @pytest.mark.xfail(
5     sys.version_info >= (3, 4), reason="Buggy on Py 3.4")
6 def test_something_that_doesnt_work_yet_on_python_34():
7     pass # ...

May be a low priority bug that we plan to fix, or a feature we haven't fully implemented yet.

Can also unconditionally xfail, provide only a reason.

Marking classes

import pytest

class TestPager:
    def test_num_pages(self):
        pass # ...

    def test_item_range(self):
        pass # ...

Parametrized tests

Naive approach

 1 def test_sum():
 2     tests = [
 3         ([], 0),
 4         ([1, 2], 3),
 5         ([0, 2], 2),
 6         ([-4, 3, 2], 1),
 7         ]
 8     for inputs, output in tests:
 9         assert sum(inputs) == output

 1 import pytest
 3 @pytest.mark.parametrize(
 4     'inputs,output',
 5     [   ([], 0),
 6         ([1, 2], 3),
 7         ([0, 2], 2),
 8         ([-4, 3, 2], 2)  ])
 9 def test_sum(inputs, output):
10     assert sum(inputs) == output
 1 $ py.test
 2 =============== test session starts =======================
 3 platform linux -- Python 3.3.2 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
 4 collected 4 items
 6 ...F
 8 ================ FAILURES =================================
 9 ________________ test_sum[inputs3-2] ______________________
10 inputs = [-4, 3, 2], output = 2
12     @pytest.mark.parametrize(
13         'inputs,output',
14         [   ([], 0),
15             ([1, 2], 3),
16             ([0, 2], 2),
17             ([-4, 3, 2], 2)  ])
18     def test_sum(inputs, output):
19 >       assert sum(inputs) == output
20 E       assert 1 == 2
21 E        +  where 1 = sum([-4, 3, 2])
23 AssertionError
24 ================ 1 failed, 3 passed in 0.02 seconds =======

py.test fixtures

Example: tempdir

 1 import shutil
 2 from tempfile import mkdtemp
 3 import pytest
 5 @pytest.yield_fixture
 6 def tempdir():
 7     temp_dir_path = mkdtemp()
 8     yield temp_dir_path
 9     shutil.rmtree(temp_dir_path)
1 import os
3 def test_write_config(tempdir):
4     """Writes config to the given file path."""
5     config_file_path = os.path.join(tempdir, 'test.cfg')
6     # ...

Py.test actually provides this as a built-in fixture; but it's a nice simple example, so we'll reimplement it.

This is a new way to define fixtures, using yield, thus the name of the decorator.

A test requests the fixture by asking for an argument of that name, py.test uses introspection to check the argument names and provide the right fixture values.

Each test that requires the fixture will get a new one; the setup and teardown will be re-executed for every test.

(The built-in tempdir fixture is a little more complex than this; it leaves the last few temp dirs laying around to help with debugging failing tests, and cleans up older ones only.)

Fixture lifecycle scopes

Session-scope fixture

1 import pytest
3 @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session')
4 def db_conn():
5     create_test_database()
6     conn = get_test_database_connection()
7     yield conn
8     destroy_test_database()
1 def test_query(db_conn):
2     pass # ...

I find few good use cases for class or module-scope fixtures; I'll just give an example of a session-scope fixture.

Creating and destroying a database is too slow to do every test; just want to create the test db once at start of test run and destroy it at the end. A session-scoped fixture allows this.

Fixture is lazy: only set up when a test asks for it. So if we run a subset of our tests that don't ask for the db fixture, no test db will be created for that run - a nice speed boost.

Problem: database state is not reset between tests. If we add rows in one test, that could disrupt another test. Violates goal of a repeatable, predictable environment for each test.

Paired fixtures

 1 import pytest
 3 @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session')
 4 def db_conn():
 5     create_test_database()
 6     conn = get_test_database_connection()
 7     yield conn
 8     destroy_test_database()
10 @pytest.yield_fixture
11 def db(db_conn):
12     yield db_conn
13     db_conn.truncate_all_tables()
1 def test_query(db):
2     pass # ...

Session-scope fixture to create and teardown the test database.

Function-scope fixture that uses the session-scope fixture and passes it on to each test, also restoring the database state after each test.

(Might also be other approaches to restoring state, like running each test in a transaction and rolling it back.)

Parametrized fixtures

 1 @pytest.yield_fixture(
 2     params=['sqlite', 'mysql', 'postgres'])
 3 def db_conn(request):
 4     if request.param == 'sqlite':
 5         conn = create_sqlite_test_database()
 6     elif request.param == 'mysql':
 7         conn = create_mysql_test_database()
 8     elif request.param == 'postgres':
 9         conn = create_postgres_test_database()
10     yield conn
11     destroy_test_database(conn)

Say we have some tests using a database, and we want to automatically run all of those tests against all of our supported databases.

We can take a db fixture like we saw above, and parametrize it.

Now any test that uses this fixture will run three times, once with each value for request.param.

Tests that don't use the db fixture unaffected.

py.test plugins

py.test review

Measuring test coverage

How much of my production code is exercised by my test suite?

1 $ pip install coverage
3 $ coverage run --branch `which py.test`
5 $ coverage report
6 Name     Stmts   Miss Branch BrMiss  Cover
7 ------------------------------------------
8 grades       4      1      2      1    67%
$ coverage html

100% coverage not guarantee of adequate tests, but roughly minimum bound.

pytest-cov plugin

1 $ pip install pytest-cov
1 $ pytest --cov grades --cov-report html
1 [pytest]
2 addopts = --cov grades --cov-report term


Run your tests across a matrix of Python versions, dependencies, environments.


1 [tox]
2 envlist = py27,py33
4 [testenv]
5 deps = pytest
6 commands = py.test

1 from distutils.core import setup
3 setup(
4     name='testproj',
5     version='0.1',
6     py_modules=['grades'],
7     )
 1 $ tox
 2 GLOB sdist-make: /.../code/
 3 py27 create: /.../code/.tox/py27
 4 py27 installdeps: pytest
 5 py27 inst: /.../code/.tox/dist/
 6 py27 runtests: commands[0] | py.test
 7 =================== test session starts ====================
 8 platform linux3 -- Python 2.6.8 -- py-1.4.20 -- pytest-2.5.2
 9 collected 1 items
11 .
13 =================== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds ===============
15 ... <same for py33>...
17 ___________________ summary ________________________________
18   py27: commands succeeded
19   py33: commands succeeded
20   congratulations :)
envlist =
    py26-1.4, py26-1.5, py26-1.6,
    py27-1.4, py27-1.5, py27-1.6, py27-trunk,
    py32-1.5, py32-1.6, py32-trunk,
    py33-1.5, py33-1.6, py33-trunk

deps =
    South == 0.8.1
    coverage == 3.6
commands = coverage run -a test

deps =
    Django == 1.4.10

... <same for each env> ...



Carl Meyer

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